How to Maintain a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Listen on Spotify. A work-life balance can have different meanings for every person. When we talk about it, we are referring to how we approach every aspect of our lives in a way that can give us the most fulfilment and satisfaction. To understand it more fully, think about things that are important to youContinue reading “How to Maintain a Healthy Work-Life Balance”

How to Manage Your Side Hustle Without Going Crazy

Listen on Spotify. Do you want to start a side hustle? Have you already got one? If you do, you likely know how tricky it is to balance a side hustle with a full-time job and some semblance of a personal life. No wonder we sometimes feel overwhelmed. If you don’t have one, it canContinue reading “How to Manage Your Side Hustle Without Going Crazy”

Automation: How to Make the Most of Your Zaps

Listen on Spotify. Automation can become a productivity superpower when you start using Zapier to help automate your workflows. You’ve probably discovered, as I did, that automating routine or repetitive tasks saves time and effort, which can then be put into more worthwhile tasks. You can automate a wide range of tasks, from employing timeContinue reading “Automation: How to Make the Most of Your Zaps”

What is the Best Colour for Productivity?

Listen on Spotify. Have you ever wondered what colour to paint the office? You may be aware that colours can evoke specific feelings and encourage certain behaviours – so why not use the power of colour to your advantage? One of the first people to investigate the link between mood and colour was Alexzander G.Continue reading “What is the Best Colour for Productivity?”

12 Marvellous Mind Hacks to Help Get Results Fast

Listen on Spotify. If you’re like me, you’re always on the lookout for ways to get the best results fast. With remote work becoming more common, setting yourself up for productivity is now more vital than ever. The trouble is, staying productive when you’re working from home for at least part of the time canContinue reading “12 Marvellous Mind Hacks to Help Get Results Fast”

Making Lists: The Simple Strategy of Productivity Gurus

Listen on Spotify. Finding an effective way to get organised and set ourselves up for productivity can be tricky. With the plethora of options available to us nowadays, the search itself can be intimidating. Tips on how to organise our lives pervade the internet. We are bound to find something that appeals to us, whetherContinue reading “Making Lists: The Simple Strategy of Productivity Gurus”

Eating Habits to Break if We Want to Be Productive

Listen on Spotify. Skipping lunch to get through more work is not going to have a significant positive impact on our productivity. Working longer hours does not guarantee that you will get more done, and doing so when we have unhealthy eating habits, can damage our productivity, and stop us from getting as much doneContinue reading “Eating Habits to Break if We Want to Be Productive”

4 Habits That Can Become Sneaky Ways We Procrastinate

Listen on Spotify. We all have bad habits that we’d like to break, but one that’s almost certain to crop up in any conversation is procrastination. Procrastination is the act of putting something aside until later. If we do this often, it damages our productivity and mental health. It can give rise to feelings ofContinue reading “4 Habits That Can Become Sneaky Ways We Procrastinate”

Surprising Ways Handwriting Can Boost Productivity

Listen on Spotify. With so much technology around us nowadays, it is difficult to imagine someone handwriting something, especially since many consider it an impractical, mostly useless skill in modern life. But perhaps we should not be so quick to dispense with the skill. Handwriting can help increase our productivity in several surprising ways, meaningContinue reading “Surprising Ways Handwriting Can Boost Productivity”

4 Motivational Theories That Will Help Supercharge Your Productivity

Listen on Spotify. We all have dreams and imagine how our lives should be. But the motivation that drives us to act is often fleeting so we are often not working consistently towards transforming our dreams into reality. This fleeting motivation, can, in turn, negatively impact our productivity. We’ve talked about how to stay motivatedContinue reading “4 Motivational Theories That Will Help Supercharge Your Productivity”