8 Ways to Become a More Productive Writer

Listen on Spotify. Writing speeds vary hugely. Some would say 200 words in an hour is a perfectly good speed to work at. Others would consider writing 1,200 per hour disappointing. A lot of the disparity depends on the kind of writing you’re undertaking. Genre fiction or blog posts often take less time to writeContinue reading “8 Ways to Become a More Productive Writer”

Effectiveness and Efficiency: Finding Balance

Listen on Spotify. In 2007, Google employees listened to Merlin Mann — a self-described geek and writer — who was an up and coming name in the movement towards personal productivity. He’d been invited to talk about how people could start to spend less time dealing with emails and more on more important, meaningful work.Continue reading “Effectiveness and Efficiency: Finding Balance”

Is Meditation Good for Productivity?

Listen on Spotify. I quite like getting distracted. In fact, just this morning I was wonderfully distracted by the new TV adaptation of the epic fantasy series, The Wheel of Time. But, as my writing this intro slightly later than planned would attest, distraction can be an enemy of productivity.   There’s mounting evidence thatContinue reading “Is Meditation Good for Productivity?”

17 Vital Elements of Productivity

Listen on Spotify. Are you productive? Or are you just busy? There’s a big difference. While being busy can tick things off your to-do list, if you’re truly productive, you’re ticking off the right things. You’re completing tasks that are going to have the biggest impact on your personal and professional life. I’ve written beforeContinue reading “17 Vital Elements of Productivity”

From Farm to Factory and Beyond: A Short History of Productivity

Listen on Spotify. Productivity is big business. But where does this fascination come from?  After all, there’s now a seemingly inexhaustible supply of apps and tools to help you get stuff done. Before we travel back in time, though, we should first define productivity. Productivity: What is it? Productivity is a measure of the outputContinue reading “From Farm to Factory and Beyond: A Short History of Productivity”

Should We Focus on Increasing Individual Productivity?

Listen on Spotify. It’s long been established that productivity is important. But as I sat writing something the other day, I realised I’d never stopped to ask myself why that’s the case. Or, indeed, whether focusing on individual productivity is the best way to gauge success. My curiosity was ignited. Let’s answer the question.  NotContinue reading “Should We Focus on Increasing Individual Productivity?”

Why Do Notifications Damage Productivity?

Listen on Spotify. I’m sitting on my laptop with my phone beside me as I write. I’m sure it’s a setup familiar to most of you. If you’re like me, you’re always aware that the phone is there. When it buzzes or pings with some notification or message, I’m forever having to force myself toContinue reading “Why Do Notifications Damage Productivity?”

How Can Having Great User Experience Design Improve Efficiency?

Listen on Spotify. User experience (UX) has long been a bit of a mystery to me (even though I have a blog), but until now I’ve not investigated much despite it’s being everywhere.  Not anymore. UX is everywhere in business and it follows, at least to me, that it must be useful. My interest wasContinue reading “How Can Having Great User Experience Design Improve Efficiency?”

10 Ways Microsoft Office Can Boost Individual Productivity (and 5 Ways It Can Boost Team Efficiency)

Listen on Spotify. If you’re like me, you use Microsoft Office every day. I have for years. But I’ve wondered if I use Office to its full potential. I investigated and found some really great tips which have helped me get more done. I thought I’d share with you so that you — and yourContinue reading “10 Ways Microsoft Office Can Boost Individual Productivity (and 5 Ways It Can Boost Team Efficiency)”

How Can I Stay Motivated and Boost My Productivity?

Listen on Spotify. The alarm shrieks and it’s time to rise and face the day. If you’re like me, you need a few motivational songs to help get you going in the morning. But have you ever wondered how you could keep yourself motivated beyond the morning and thereby boost your productivity? I sure have.Continue reading “How Can I Stay Motivated and Boost My Productivity?”