The Upsides of Solving Jigsaws (and How to Tackle Them)

Listen on Spotify. Solving a jigsaw used to be a pastime to enjoy at Christmas, while overstuffed with chocolate. Since doing a few more than usual during lockdown though, I discovered some surprising upsides to enjoying the odd puzzle. Some of them might surprise you if you’re a novice. Even if you’re a more seasonedContinue reading “The Upsides of Solving Jigsaws (and How to Tackle Them)”

Bringing Your Dog to Work: What You Need to Know

Listen on Spotify. Ever thought about bringing your dog to work? Well, the good news is, it’s becoming more common to see companies that have dog-friendly policies. Giants like Google, Etsy, and Amazon have been using their canine-friendly policies to help give them an edge in the recruitment process. Smaller businesses have now begun toContinue reading “Bringing Your Dog to Work: What You Need to Know”

How to Supercharge Your Productivity With Power Query

Listen on Spotify. Remember the last time you spent all day working on a huge data set, cleaning it up? With Power Query, your troubles may become a thing of the past. Power Query is a powerful data automation tool you can find in Excel, as long as you have at least Excel 2010. PowerContinue reading “How to Supercharge Your Productivity With Power Query”

Holding onto Joy: Hedonic Adaptation and How to Combat It

Listen on Spotify. As I continue my blogging adventure, I’m always on the lookout for topics to write about. I wrote a post on cognitive biases. One of my few but great and loyal followers left a comment on hedonic adaptation. Despite it not being directly related to productivity, hedonic adaptation has everything to doContinue reading “Holding onto Joy: Hedonic Adaptation and How to Combat It”

How to Conquer Decision Fatigue and Plan Your Week Like a Boss

Listen on Spotify. If you’re like me, you’ve agonised over what to have for lunch, all the while putting off much more important decisions, that will have a far greater impact on your life and happiness. I like to call this sort of decision a typical first-world problem. But, joking aside, does the fact soContinue reading “How to Conquer Decision Fatigue and Plan Your Week Like a Boss”

Sting Like a Bee or Be Happy? The Key to Long Term Productivity

Listen on Spotify. Nowadays, everybody and his dog seems to be striving to be more productive. But what’s the true secret of productivity? I’ve often wondered myself. After months of writing my own blog, here’s what I’ve discovered. Contrary to what you might be thinking, it isn’t using apps. It’s not even really about beingContinue reading “Sting Like a Bee or Be Happy? The Key to Long Term Productivity”

8 Superb Pomodoro Timer Apps

Listen on Spotify. Ever timed yourself on the cooker, to run through that presentation for work? Me too. On the watch for a way to level up? ( AKA, to not have to go to the cooker every time you want another practice run.) You’ve found the right place. It started with a tomato… andContinue reading “8 Superb Pomodoro Timer Apps”

Is The Pomodoro Method and Productivity Timer Useful?

Listen on Spotify. Find it hard to concentrate at work? With so many distractions, wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to keep being consistently productive throughout your day? Well, you’re in luck. A productivity timer might be just the thing for you. Without further ado, let’s answer the question. Yes. The PomodoroContinue reading “Is The Pomodoro Method and Productivity Timer Useful?”

5 Practical Tips to Help You Become a More Productive Writer

Listen on Spotify. Often wonder how on earth some writers can crank out shedloads of quality content when it seems to take you an age to write an article, blog post, or even a letter? Meanwhile, others keep writing more and earning more money. Feeling dispirited? Well, you’re not alone. Wish you knew their secret?Continue reading “5 Practical Tips to Help You Become a More Productive Writer”

Bullet Journals and Printable Productivity Planners: What Can They Do for You?

Listen on Spotify. Ever feel like you’re spinning your wheels but aren’t making any progress towards the life goals that matter most? Keep thinking about that passion project you wanted to get off the ground but haven’t found the time yet? You’re not alone.  Maybe you could try using bullet journals and productivity planners toContinue reading “Bullet Journals and Printable Productivity Planners: What Can They Do for You?”