4 Motivational Theories That Will Help Supercharge Your Productivity

Listen on Spotify. We all have dreams and imagine how our lives should be. But the motivation that drives us to act is often fleeting so we are often not working consistently towards transforming our dreams into reality. This fleeting motivation, can, in turn, negatively impact our productivity. We’ve talked about how to stay motivatedContinue reading “4 Motivational Theories That Will Help Supercharge Your Productivity”

How to Use the Pareto Principle to Boost Productivity

Listen on Spotify. The Pareto Principle – more commonly called the 80 20 rule — was devised by Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto. He found that, in 1896, around 80% of the land in Italy was owned by about 20% of the population, and thereby realised that the minority of the population controlled most of theContinue reading “How to Use the Pareto Principle to Boost Productivity”

Why Do We Struggle to Focus?

Listen on Spotify. We all lead busy lives, dividing our time and attention between our health, work, family, and relationships. Inevitably, we end up trying to keep everyone happy, so, despite doing a lot, we struggle to get important things done. Often, the reason we fail to be productive has more to do with ourContinue reading “Why Do We Struggle to Focus?”

The Flowtime Time Management Technique: A Simple Guide

Listen on Spotify. Nowadays, there are a plethora of productivity techniques you can apply to help you work more effectively. One of the most popular is the Pomodoro Technique, a time management system you can use to break your work into sets of 3-4 25-minute focused sprints, with 5-minute breaks after each one. The ideaContinue reading “The Flowtime Time Management Technique: A Simple Guide”

How to Improve Your Time Management Skills

Listen on Spotify. Does it often seem as if you have too much on your plate and too many responsibilities to juggle? If so, the answer to your problem might lie in organising your time more effectively. Doing so can help reduce stress and boost productivity. It can take a while to develop your timeContinue reading “How to Improve Your Time Management Skills”

6 Types of Procrastinators (and Ways to Beat It) 

Listen on Spotify. We all procrastinate at times. We tell ourselves that we will do our best work when we’re inspired. Some of us even find ourselves joking about it while falling prey to different types of procrastination. We often convince ourselves that we have plenty of time to do something, or that we willContinue reading “6 Types of Procrastinators (and Ways to Beat It) “

10 Tips for How to Run More Productive Meetings

Listen on Spotify. Are long, boring, and unproductive meetings sucking your energy, destroying your motivation, and eating into your valuable time, as well as lowering morale in your workplace? You’re not alone. I know I’ve forgotten key points raised in a meeting because there has been too much information coming at me at once. ThisContinue reading “10 Tips for How to Run More Productive Meetings”

Simple Lifestyle Changes and Techniques That Can Sharpen Your Memory

Listen on Spotify. Two key benefits of improving your memory are that it can help improve your time management skills and boost your productivity. This, in turn, can help you work more effectively. So, if you wish to improve your memory — and by extension increase your productivity — taking steps to improve your overallContinue reading “Simple Lifestyle Changes and Techniques That Can Sharpen Your Memory”

How to Memorise Effectively and Increase Productivity

Listen on Spotify. Being able to memorise things well can help increase your productivity. Every day we must make decisions, try to understand things, and solve problems to be effective. There are simple processes involved as well as complex ones, but many of those processes involve working memory. Working memory helps us stay motivated duringContinue reading “How to Memorise Effectively and Increase Productivity”

The Power Nap: The Perfect Way to Become More Productive

Listen on Spotify. No doubt you’ve experienced the afternoon slump, that dip in your energy levels you feel hours into your day. It causes you to lose the ability to focus or the desire to do much of anything, right? Well, you’re not alone. Paychex asked 1000 people about their experience with work and productivityContinue reading “The Power Nap: The Perfect Way to Become More Productive”