The 7 Best Time Management Apps for 2022

Listen on Spotify. It can be tricky to boost your work ethic and track your progress, whether you are an individual or want to do it as a company. Time management is essential if you want to succeed. But what is the best way to manage our time? While using the Pomodoro method or theContinue reading “The 7 Best Time Management Apps for 2022”

Margins of Safety: Advantages, Disadvantages, and Uses

Listen on Spotify. The margin of safety is a principle commonly applied in investing which states that an investor should only buy securities when the market price dips substantially below their estimated value. The margin of safety is the difference between the value and the market price.   In accounting, it can refer to theContinue reading “Margins of Safety: Advantages, Disadvantages, and Uses”

The Flowtime Time Management Technique: A Simple Guide

Listen on Spotify. Nowadays, there are a plethora of productivity techniques you can apply to help you work more effectively. One of the most popular is the Pomodoro Technique, a time management system you can use to break your work into sets of 3-4 25-minute focused sprints, with 5-minute breaks after each one. The ideaContinue reading “The Flowtime Time Management Technique: A Simple Guide”