Why We Make Poor Decisions

Listen on Spotify. Researchers long believed that humans make well-considered, logical decisions. More recently though, studies have shown that there are several errors in the process that derail our thinking. While we sometimes make good decisions, we are prone to make emotionally driven, seemingly irrational choices. In this article, we’ll go through the various mentalContinue reading “Why We Make Poor Decisions”

8 Alternatives to Time Management That Will Help You Make the Most of Your Time

Listen on Spotify. We’ve become used to gauging our importance by how much we can pack into each day. We constantly try to outdo and outperform one another. It can often feel like we’re in the midst of a busyness epidemic, which results in us having to deal with far too much stress. How canContinue reading “8 Alternatives to Time Management That Will Help You Make the Most of Your Time”

Eight Productivity Myths You Believe Are True but Actually Aren’t

Listen on Spotify. This is likely not the first article you’ve read on the topic of productivity. There is a plethora of articles out there offering advice on how to be productive and giving answers to questions you never even thought to ask. Yet, all too often, we find ourselves stuck with the same badContinue reading “Eight Productivity Myths You Believe Are True but Actually Aren’t”

The Perils of Context-Switching and How to Deal With It

Listen on Spotify. As you start reading this article, I bet you’re already thinking of something else. A notification just popped up, or an email just hit your inbox It won’t be long before the temptation overwhelms you and you click on it. Just that, you’re on to the next task and never come backContinue reading “The Perils of Context-Switching and How to Deal With It”

4 New Ways to Set Goals: From Anti-Goals to Micro Goals

Listen on Spotify. You know what it’s like with New Year’s resolutions. Come the new year, we have the best of intentions, but a few weeks in our enthusiasm begins to wane. We choose to do other things with our time and promise we’ll do better next week, next month… or next year. There isContinue reading “4 New Ways to Set Goals: From Anti-Goals to Micro Goals”

How to Use Trello to Boost Productivity

Listen on Spotify. In our busy lives, it’s natural that we tend to lose track of time and end up wondering where our time went and stressing out about how little we managed to do. Luckily, Trello can help us get back on track and get more done. In the rest of this post, we’llContinue reading “How to Use Trello to Boost Productivity”

A Simple Guide to Planning Your Day

Listen on Spotify. It’s no secret that planning your day is crucial if you hope to be productive and successful. Therefore, planning your day and week is worth taking some time over. To give yourself the best chance of achieving what you want, you must give the planning process due care and attention. In theContinue reading “A Simple Guide to Planning Your Day”

How to Build an Effective Productivity Management System

Listen on Spotify. When you run a business or manage a large group of people, you need to pay attention to productivity. In simple terms, productivity is the output you receive per each unit of input. Your input is usually related to time, so your productivity is often calculated by the hour. In the worldContinue reading “How to Build an Effective Productivity Management System”

How to Use the Ivy Lee Productivity System

Listen on Spotify. In 1918, Charles M. Schwab brought successful businessman, Ivy Lee on board as a productivity consultant with the aim of improving the company’s performance. Three months after Lee gave employees a free consultation, Schwab was so pleased with the results that he sent Lee a cheque for $25,000, the equivalent of $400,000Continue reading “How to Use the Ivy Lee Productivity System”

Simple Tips for Dealing With ‘Leaky Attention’

Listen on Spotify. Do your best ideas often come to you when you’re not actively looking for them? You’re not alone. If you’re a highly creative person, you might have ‘leaky attention,’ which means that when you focus on one thing, other irrelevant information keeps coming into your head, which may nonetheless prove useful later.Continue reading “Simple Tips for Dealing With ‘Leaky Attention’”