The Benefits of Asynchronous Communication in the Workplace

Listen on Spotify. In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, we’ve seen a massive shift toward remote work. Consequently, questions are being asked about the effectiveness of real-time communication. Real-time communication can take up a lot of time which could be better employed elsewhere. Could making the switch to asynchronous communication in the workplace freeContinue reading “The Benefits of Asynchronous Communication in the Workplace”

Parkinson’s Law: Why it’s Sabotaging Productivity and How to Combat It

Listen on Spotify. Have you ever found that something that should be relatively simple ends up taking an inordinately long time? This can be even more confounding if you have undertaken similar tasks before and completed them in much less time. So, what gives? It may be Parkinson’s Law in action. Parkinson’s Law states thatContinue reading “Parkinson’s Law: Why it’s Sabotaging Productivity and How to Combat It”

Can a 4-Day Work Week Make Us More Productive?

Listen on Spotify. Have you ever considered the possibility that having a 4-day working week could make you more productive? Burnout can affect us all, no matter if you’re self-employed or work for a company. Being constantly busy has become a default state for many of us, so it’s no surprise that more of usContinue reading “Can a 4-Day Work Week Make Us More Productive?”

How to Tackle Tough Decisions with the Six Thinking Hats Method

Listen on Spotify. When was the last time you and your team made a major decision together? Did you have to encourage others to over their opinion and give input? Did one person do all the taking? Once an idea was put forward, did everyone get on board with it without coming up with otherContinue reading “How to Tackle Tough Decisions with the Six Thinking Hats Method”

Why Switching Between Work Applications Is a Bad Idea

Listen on Spotify. Do you often find yourself becoming prey to task switching at work, often necessitated by the multiple applications you use for work. Read on to find out why this is a bad habit and how you can deal with it and thereby improve your productivity. People are now accustomed to switching betweenContinue reading “Why Switching Between Work Applications Is a Bad Idea”

Asynchronous Work: Is This the Future?

Listen on Spotify. Many companies have adopted a hybrid model of work in a post Covid-19 world. We all know that both remote and hybrid work allows for greater flexibility, allowing us to deal with our home lives and work responsibilities without materially damaging either. As with everything though, there are limits. Some of theContinue reading “Asynchronous Work: Is This the Future?”

5 Reasons Why Being Grateful is Good for Us

Listen on Spotify. As you’re reading this blog, I assume you’re like me, always searching for ways to be more productive. By now you’d have figured out that the lion’s share of productivity hacks concentrate on helping us become more efficient through better time management, getting more organized, boosting our energy, and the like. WhileContinue reading “5 Reasons Why Being Grateful is Good for Us”

How to Get Back on Track (Fast) After a Work Break

Listen on Spotify. It’s essential to take time off for your own well-being and to make sure you can rest, recharge, and come back fighting. There’s no doubt it can be tricky to get back into the swing of things. Wishing you had another holiday or break planned is common, but this can quickly drainContinue reading “How to Get Back on Track (Fast) After a Work Break”

3 (Probably) Surprising Things That Affect Productivity

Listen on Spotify. Picture this. You’ve just arrived at work. You sit at your desk. You start your computer, ready to tackle that complex report. First, you log in and check your email, and glance at the news app on your phone. A headline catches your eye, so you continue scrolling. Before you know it,Continue reading “3 (Probably) Surprising Things That Affect Productivity”

13 Useful Habits That May Promote Neuroplasticity and Help Boost Productivity

Listen on Spotify. Can you really train your brain to perform better at home and work? You may well be able to. How? It’s all to do with something called neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s ability to restructure itself as it processes new information, causes various neurons to fire, and creates new neural pathways.Continue reading “13 Useful Habits That May Promote Neuroplasticity and Help Boost Productivity”