11 Surprisingly Productive Things to Do on Your Phone

Listen on Spotify. What do you do with your downtime? If you’re like me, you pick up your phone and start doom-scrolling. But what does this subconscious habit achieve? Nothing, right? It certainly doesn’t add value to your life. Rather, it wastes time and becomes a mindless activity we engage in when bored. So, whatContinue reading “11 Surprisingly Productive Things to Do on Your Phone”

Eight Productivity Myths You Believe Are True but Actually Aren’t

Listen on Spotify. This is likely not the first article you’ve read on the topic of productivity. There is a plethora of articles out there offering advice on how to be productive and giving answers to questions you never even thought to ask. Yet, all too often, we find ourselves stuck with the same badContinue reading “Eight Productivity Myths You Believe Are True but Actually Aren’t”