17 Ways Old-School Practices Can Help You Improve Productivity

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Technology is constantly improving in the modern world. Our lives seem to revolve around digital devices, so it’s easy to overlook the productivity benefits of old-fashioned tools. From paper planners to typewriters, analogue clocks to Rolodexes, there is a wide range of classic tools that can help us become more organized, focused, and productive in our daily lives. In this post, we’ll explore some of the ways that these old-fashioned tools can help you boost your productivity, stay focused, and get more done in less time. Whether you’re a busy professional, a student, or just looking to improve your personal productivity, these tips and tools can help you stay on track and achieve your goals more effectively.

Soon, we’ll look at some old-fashioned tools that can help boost productivity. First, though, let’s look at how using them can help boost your productivity and sharpen your focus.

How Can Using Old-Fashioned Tools Help Make You More Productive

Old-fashioned tools can help you become more productive in a variety of ways. Here are some examples.

  • Writing things down: In the age of digital devices, it can be easy to forget the power of a simple pen and paper. Research has shown that writing things down can help with memory retention and make it easier to process information. By using a physical notebook or planner, you can keep track of your tasks, goals, and ideas more effectively.
  • Use a physical calendar: Using a physical calendar can help you keep track of important dates, appointments, and deadlines. Seeing your schedule laid out in front of you can help you prioritize your time and make better use of it.
  • Use a manual typewriter: If you find yourself easily distracted by the internet and social media, using a manual typewriter can help you stay focused on your writing tasks. With no internet connection and no spell-check, you’ll be forced to slow down and pay closer attention to what you’re writing.
  • Read physical books: While e-books and audiobooks are convenient, reading a physical book can help you become more focused and engaged with it. By eliminating digital distractions, you can immerse yourself more completely in the material and retain more information.

Digital tools certainly have their benefits, but old-fashioned tools can be just as effective at helping you become more productive. By taking advantage of the unique benefits of physical tools, you can work more efficiently and effectively towards your goals.

How Can Using Old-Fashioned Tools Improve Focus?

There are several ways old-fashioned tools can improve focus. Let’s find out how.

  • Reduced digital distractions: One of the biggest advantages of using old-fashioned tools is that they don’t come with the same distractions that we encounter when using modern technology and digital tools. When you’re using a tool like a pen and paper, you don’t have notifications popping up on your screen, tempting you to check your email, social media, or distracting websites. Thus, it’s easier to help you stay more focused on what’s before you.
  • You must work at a slower pace: Many old-fashioned tools, such as manual typewriters require you to work at a slower pace than you might with their digital equivalents. This can be beneficial for improving focus because it forces you to pay more attention to what you’re doing. When you’re working more slowly and deliberately, you’re less likely to make mistakes or lose focus.
  • Tactile engagement: When you’re using an old-fashioned tool, you’re often more physically engaged with the task at hand than you might otherwise be. For example, when you’re handwriting with a pen and paper, you can feel the physical sensation of the pen on the paper, which can help you stay more focused on what you’re writing.
  • Mindful engagement: Using old-fashioned tools typically means you’re more aware of what you’re doing, and less likely to be distracted by other thoughts or concerns.

To find out more about why we struggle to focus, check out our post on the subject.

By reducing digital distractions, slowing down the pace of work, and increasing tactile and mindful engagement, old-fashioned tools can help improve concentration.

It’s time to talk about tools that can skyrocket your productivity.

17 Ways Old-Fashioned Practices Can Help You Improve Productivity
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

17 Old-Fashioned Tools That Can Boost Productivity

Here’re 17 old-fashioned tools you might find useful if you want to become more productive, improve your focus, stay organised, and work more effectively.

Analogue desk clock – Using an analogue desk clock can help you stay focused and manage your time better, without being distracted by digital notifications.

Pen and paper note-taking – Taking notes on paper can help you remember important information better, as well as help you avoid the distractions of digital devices.

Sticky notes – Using sticky notes can help you stay organized and remember important tasks, without cluttering up your digital workspace.

Mechanical pencil – Using a mechanical pencil can help you write more neatly and accurately, without the need for constant sharpening.

Desk lamp – Using a desk lamp can help you reduce eye strain and improve focus, especially when working on detailed tasks.

Wall or desk calendar – Using a wall or desk calendar can help you visualize your schedule and deadlines more effectively, without relying on digital calendar notifications.

Physical reference books – Keeping printed reference books on hand can help you quickly look up information or solve problems, without the need for a digital search.

White noise machine – Using a white noise machine can block out distractions and help you focus more effectively, without relying on digital music or sound effects.

A Typewriter – Using a typewriter can distractions so you can focus on writing, without the need for constant digital editing and formatting.

Handwritten letters – Sending handwritten letters can help you build more meaningful connections with others and can also be a more thoughtful and personal way to express gratitude.

A Corkboard – Using a corkboard can help you stay organized and keep important information in plain sight, without relying on digital tools.

Pencil Sharpener – Using a pencil sharpener can help you keep your pencils sharp and ready to use, without the need for electricity or batteries.

Rolodex – Using a Rolodex can help you keep track of important contacts and information, without relying on a digital address book.

Paper filing system – Using a paper filing system can help you organize important documents and information more effectively, without relying on digital storage or search functions.

Fountain pen – Using a fountain pen can help you write more elegantly and with better precision, without the need for constant ink cartridge replacements.

A ruler – Using a ruler can help you do calculations more quickly and accurately, without relying on a calculator or digital device.

Portable radio – Using a portable radio can help keep you entertained when working, without relying on digital devices or streaming services.

Why Might We Choose to Use Old-Fashioned Tools Over Modern Technology?

There are good reasons why one might choose to use old-fashioned tools over modern technology. Let’s find out what they are.

  • There’re fewer distractions – Old-fashioned tools often have fewer distractions than modern technology, allowing you to focus more on the task at hand without the constant interruptions of notifications, emails, and other digital distractions.
  • They are more simple – Old-fashioned tools are often simpler and more straightforward than modern technology, making them easier to use and less intimidating for some people.
  • It’s more tangible – Old-fashioned tools usually have a physical presence that can provide a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, such as completing a handwritten letter or crossing off an item on a paper to-do list.
  • They’re of better quality – Some old-fashioned tools are known for their quality and durability, which can make them a better long-term investment compared to cheaper, disposable modern technology.
  • They’re more environmentally friendly – Using old-fashioned tools can be a more environmentally friendly choice because they often don’t require electricity, batteries, or other resources that contribute to electronic waste or carbon emissions.

There are several reasons why you might choose to use old-fashioned tools over modern technology, depending on your specific preferences and needs.

Wrapping Up

Old-fashioned tools offer many benefits over modern technology, including fewer distractions, greater simplicity, tangibility, better quality, and environmental sustainability. While modern technology certainly has its place in many areas of our lives, it’s important to remember that there are often alternatives available that can help us work more effectively too. By embracing old-fashioned tools, we can tap into the wisdom of the past, while also exploring new possibilities for innovation and productivity in the present and future. So, whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out, it’s worth considering the potential benefits of incorporating old-fashioned tools into your work routine.

Want to learn how working on your memory can help improve your productivity? Check out ‘How to Memorise Effectively and Increase Productivity’ for more info.

Published by Lizzie

Lizzie here. I'm a freelance content writer and editor based in the UK. I'm also passionate about volunteering and hold an MA in History from the University of Warwick. I've written for a multitude of fantastic websites and companies, including a legal automation software company, a dog training site, and more. Check out my reviews on Fiverr and Upwork for more info!

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