8 Ways You Can Remain Productive When the Internet is Down

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Ever panicked when the internet goes down while you’re working? Nowadays, we all rely on the internet for a multitude of things, not least for work.

That being the case, it can be easy to think you can do nothing and feel trapped and useless until your connection comes back, hopefully in short order before the stress of not being able to get anything done drives you crazy.

The good news is, this isn’t true. There are several ways you can remain productive when the internet is down. Today, we’ll explore some of the ways you can remain both productive and calm during your next internet outage. That way, you can always be on top of your game

Later, we’ll consider how you can use that time to declutter your desktop. First, though, we will see how you can use it to build upon your relationships with others.

Let’s get into it.

Best Ways to Remain Productive When the Internet is Down

Here, we’ll share 8 of the best ideas for what to do when there’s an internet outage. You aren’t limited to these activities alone, however. You can use the time afforded in any way you deem appropriate.

Take Time to Chat with Colleagues

If the internet goes down while you’re at work, why not take the time to get to know the new person in your department that you never had a chance to chat to much before because you were so busy? You might even decide to venture into other departments and meet a few new faces.

You could even take a walk with one of your co-workers and get in a bit of exercise whist taking time to bond.

It’s well known that fresh air, exercise and building strong relationships with your colleagues can all do wonders for your productivity. So, next time your internet throws a wobbly, give this a go.

Use the Pocket App to Read Articles Offline

Enjoy reading articles, or need to read them for work? This is a little trick you might want to use.

Most of us rely on the internet to read articles, but you can download the pocket app before there’s an internet hiccup, so you’ll have a backup plan. In the Pocket App, you can store everything from your favourite articles to your best-loved recipes. Then you can read them offline at any time you like.

You can even use the Discover option to find articles recommended for you based on your preferences, so that you can create a list of offline reading material, providing you with a perfect way to remain productive when the internet is down.

Soon, we’ll discover how you can use that time to get organised by decluttering your desktop. For now, let’s find out how listening to audiobooks can help you stay on top.

8 Ways You Can Remain Productive When the Internet is Down
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Listen to Audiobooks Through Audible

This is like the previous way to stay productive. Provided you have downloaded your favourite and most useful audiobooks before the internet outage, you can listen to audiobooks through Audible with no trouble at all.

In the middle of learning how to negotiate that pay rise you’ve been hoping to get for ages? Almost learnt what you need to about Bitcoin to write that article on cryptocurrency? Make sure you download the books you need onto your device when you can, and internet troubles needn’t stop you in your tracks the next time they happen.

It’s time to find out how cleaning up your desktop can help boost your productivity.

Clean Up Your Desktop

Are you one of those people who has a cluttered desktop? This may be because you have a habit of copying and pasting important documents directly to your desktop so you can have them right in front of your eyes, and access them easily.

What happens when you do this too often, though?

Your desktop will eventually become so full of documents, you won’t be able to see the background wallpaper, making it harder to find the files you need somewhere in the jumble. This, unsurprisingly, hinders your productivity and ability to work effectively.

Now the internet is down, and it’s the time ideal to sort out this problem, get yourself organised and boost your productivity.

Here’s what you need to do:

  • Scrap anything you no longer find useful.
  • Sort any remaining files into relevant folders, so you’ll know exactly where to find them when needed.

Make Plans

Most internet outages don’t last long, and you’ll be connected to the online world again before you know it. While it may be useful to make plans using Google Calendar, there’s nothing wrong with the old trusty pen and paper. Why not write a fantastic to-do list so you can stay on the ball? Read  ‘Making Lists: The Simple Strategy of Productivity Gurus’ for more. You might also want check out our Simple Guide to Planning Your Day.

You can even still use apps like Google Calendar or Evernote to help you, if you logged on before the internet cut out.

Use whatever time is avoided you to plan and snap back into action when your connection is restored.

Have a Break

Taking a break may seem like a waste of valuable time on the face of it.

But taking a break is far from counterproductive. It might be that an unexpected internet outage is the perfect opportunity for you to take that break you’ve been craving.

Taking a break can:

  • Boost your productivity.
  • Unlock your creativity.
  • Help clear your mind, so you are better able to solve problems.
  • Refresh you so you can take on the rest of your day with gusto.

You should always ensure you have enough breaks scheduled into your day so you can perform at your best, regardless of whether the internet is down. Use Pomodoro timer apps to help build breaks into your day.

Read a Book

Even if the internet is down, you can still read a book, or even visit your local library to borrow one. We all know the surprising things we can pick up from reading even a short book. Even if you decide to take a break and read a novel, it can help ease anxiety and clear your mind. You also get the added bonus of a dopamine hit.

Create a Mind Map with Your Co-workers

Have you been managing an ad or marketing campaign and need to discuss it with your teammates. Got an idea for a newsletter you want to run by them?

Why not create a mind map? You can do this with a pen and paper, on a flip chart or on a whiteboard, no internet required. It’s a fantastic way to collaborate and share ideas. You can appoint one person to write down ideas or pass around the pen to see what ideas you can all come up with.

You might just find some inspiration that will supercharge your productivity. Check out our post on mind-mapping mistakes to create the best map you possibly can

Wrapping Up

Losing your internet connection can disrupt your workflow, but if you try any of these ways to remain productive when the internet is down, it needn’t be devastating. Have a well-rounded plan for what to do in such an eventuality and you need never again panic when you see the dreaded no internet icon on your screen.

You can set yourself up well, so that you’ll be ready to go full steam ahead when your connection is restored.

Published by Lizzie

Lizzie here. I'm a freelance content writer and editor based in the UK. I'm also passionate about volunteering and hold an MA in History from the University of Warwick. I've written for a multitude of fantastic websites and companies, including a legal automation software company, a dog training site, and more. Check out my reviews on Fiverr and Upwork for more info!

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