9 Best Musical Instruments for Beginners to Play

Listen to this post here. Playing a musical instrument is rewarding in different ways. It can help you become more disciplined and may help improve some cognitive brain functions, as well as provide you with an outlet for your creativity. On top of that, it can serve to help you manage stress and give youContinue reading “9 Best Musical Instruments for Beginners to Play”

12 Great Benefits of Playing an Instrument (and Some Drawbacks Too)

Listen on Spotify. Are you searching for a hobby that will also mean you can acquire a new skill? Why not learn to play an instrument? After all, the Bard himself described music as the food of love in Twelfth Night. What greater motivation could you want? Playing an instrument not only serves to nourishContinue reading “12 Great Benefits of Playing an Instrument (and Some Drawbacks Too)”

13 Cool Reasons Drawing is a Fabulous Hobby

Listen on Spotify. Drawing has many upsides you perhaps wouldn’t expect. As well as being a fun hobby that enables you to use art to express yourself, it can improve your ability to focus and may help you learn to look on the bright side of life. There’re plenty of other cool reasons drawing isContinue reading “13 Cool Reasons Drawing is a Fabulous Hobby”

Brain Teasers and Other Games: The Benefits and Myths

Listen on Spotify. Brain teasers, games, puzzles, and riddles have been with us for hundreds of years. They are a great way to give yourself some mental exercise. Brain training games and mobile apps have become increasingly popular in recent years. But do they live up to all the hype? Let’s find out. Later, we’llContinue reading “Brain Teasers and Other Games: The Benefits and Myths”

Crossword Puzzles: The Good, the Bad, and the Interesting 

Listen on Spotify. Solving crosswords is an ideal, inexpensive hobby if you need to tackle stress and distract yourself from every day worries. You might have got into crosswords during lockdown to keep your mind active, or you may be a long-time, even life-long enthusiast. However, not everyone is convinced by the notion that crosswordsContinue reading “Crossword Puzzles: The Good, the Bad, and the Interesting “

The Upsides of Solving Jigsaws (and How to Tackle Them)

Listen on Spotify. Solving a jigsaw used to be a pastime to enjoy at Christmas, while overstuffed with chocolate. Since doing a few more than usual during lockdown though, I discovered some surprising upsides to enjoying the odd puzzle. Some of them might surprise you if you’re a novice. Even if you’re a more seasonedContinue reading “The Upsides of Solving Jigsaws (and How to Tackle Them)”

Tips to Get the Best out of Your Garden

Listen on Spotify. Gardening boomed in the UK during lockdown. Thousands of green-fingered Brits got busy tending their window boxes, allotments, and gardens. Anyone green-fingered will tell you that spending time tending and enjoying your garden is good for the soul. Gardening is both an art and a science, with a good bit of skillContinue reading “Tips to Get the Best out of Your Garden”

Kite Flying Adventures: How to Start Your Own   

Listen on Spotify. Kite flying can be great fun for everyone. For first-time kite flyers, it can be a fun educational adventure, and for adults, it’s a great hobby that helps relieve stress. After all, what could be better than watching your kite soar in clear skies? Here are some tips to help you sharpenContinue reading “Kite Flying Adventures: How to Start Your Own   “